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Plumbing apprentice works on pipes.

With the support of Anne Arundel industry partners, AACC offers four-year apprenticeship courses in electrical, HVAC, plumbing and sprinkler fitting that help students earn a license or certification.

In a combination of technical and hands-on training, apprentices work and study full time under the direction of a skilled supervisor. 

Approved by the Maryland Apprenticeship Training Council, AACC apprentices receive a minimum of 144 hours of classroom instruction and 2,000 hours of on-the-job training.

Email apprenticeships at to learn more.

Areas of Study


Our short-term training, which combines on-the-job experience with time in school, can prepare you to start as an entry-level technician or to enter formal apprenticeship. Programs are available through Associated Builders and Contractors.

Explore HVAC options.



AACC offers Electrical Apprenticeship programs with Associated Builders and Contractors, Independent Electrical Contractors and Job Corps. Contact apprenticeships at to learn more. 

Electrical Exam preparation

We offer Electrical Masters exam preparation courses throughout the year.


AACC's Plumbing Apprenticeship is a four-year program, taking you from the basics through to preparation for your journeyman's test. Our training opportunities allow you to enter formal apprenticeship training, combining on-the-job instruction with time in school.

Explore plumbing options

Skilled Professional Trades Management (A.A.S) Degree Program

After successful completion of Maryland Department of Labor (MDOL) registered apprenticeship program and earning an industry certification and/or license, students are eligible to apply for the Skilled Professional Trades Management (A.A.S.) Degree program:

Skilled Professional Trades Management (A.A.S.) degree program

This program is not intended for transfer, but allows students to customize the program based on their requirements. Students should choose a concentration based on their personal goals. Program requirements are satisfied with the successful completion of the MDOL registered apprenticeship and proof of licensure or industry certification. Previous successfully completed college work may be applied to requirements where applicable.

For information, reach out to Sandy Jones at


Apprenticeship programs are offered in partnership with:

Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)

Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC)

Job Corps


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